Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Journey! Where am I really going?

So I am on a journey. The path is so wide and so clear. There are endless roads that will lead me to the point of no return. Am I scared? Oh yes, I am very afraid!. Is that necessarily a bad thing? Not so much so if the fear is in God. I hope and pray every day that I am making the right choices and taking the right steps to a great future. I catch myself taking detours and long cuts that seems to be short cuts to my destiny. Sometimes I have to recap and reanalyze what my goal is so I can figure out the right way to go. How long is it going to take me to get where I'm going? I seem to concentrate on the wrong things. I need to focus on making sure I get to where I'm going in one piece and hopefully with full sanity. To recap now. Where do I want to go? Which is the first answer you must answer when starting a journey. Well as for me I want to go to a place where I am most successful, functional, effective, and most of all stable. To specify my destination, I would like to build a multi-million dollars business, my successful location, write thousands literature that awes people, my functional location, create costly high-end garments, my effective location and live happily ever after in a house with  husband and children, my stable location. This is where I want to go in life and is where I am going. Now, the question is how am I going to get there. Seems impossible but oh, it's possible because nothing is impossible with God. The road is ahead of me and I am walking to my destination. Soon I will be able to run then I'll drive, then, I'll fly. Eternal life baby!
So tune next blog is on the map to my destinations. Now that I know where I am going, let me consult God on how I am going to get there.

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