Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Moving Right Along!

Ok! So there are times in life when we come into agreements with people without thinking about what the future holds, what the consequences are or the stability of each parties commitment. Though we are never promised tomorrow we still have to consider it by faith. We have to live life like it's the last day while living for eternity. I heard the other day that we are living in our promise of eternal life now and it doesn't start when you die. When we die it's just the separation from our spirit and flesh. As we commit to one another it is very important to consider the changes that may transpire as the days go by. New goals, insights, relationships, and changes in finances, stance, and perspective are must need consideration before going into a lengthy contract with an individual or business. Nevertheless, when the unexpected arises we keep moving forward and be sure not to backtrack to were we started. Build from the current and lead your plans to the future and not towards the past. Sometimes we just want to help. Well, we have to be sure to help in a manner that aligns with the will of God and that our help leads to a fruitful outcome for the persons we help and for ourselves. Never make a promise you cannot keep. Be sure the promise is able to be kept regardless of how life turns. If there are chances of indifference of the set plan then stray away from giving your word.

Proverbs 6:1-5(MSG)
1-5 Dear friend, if you’ve gone into hock with your neighbor
    or locked yourself into a deal with a stranger,
If you’ve impulsively promised the shirt off your back
    and now find yourself shivering out in the cold,
Friend, don’t waste a minute, get yourself out of that mess.
    You’re in that man’s clutches!
    Go, put on a long face; act desperate.
Don’t procrastinate—
    there’s no time to lose.
Run like a deer from the hunter,
    fly like a bird from the trapper!

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