Tuesday, June 25, 2013


  I know where I want to go. I am learning how to follow maps. I have turned on the GPS. What's next but to just go and keep on moving. Wouldn't life be so simple with out the twist and turns closed roads cause. Especially when you are making great timing and on a good pace. Of course it's too good to be true to be on the road to victory and BAM, under construction roads takes you off your coarse. What can we say about these detours? 

17 Then it came to pass, when Pharaoh had let the people go, that God did not lead them by way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near; for God said, “Lest perhaps the people change their minds when they see war, and return to Egypt.” 18 So God led the people around by way of the wilderness of the Red Sea. And the children of Israel went up in orderly ranks out of the land of Egypt. ~Exodus 13:17-18~
  Sometimes detours are necessary. Yes, if you want to get to where you are going that is. Sometimes the Lord purposely have you take the scenic route just to make sure your enemies follow you just so He can trample them. What is His purpose for doing this? 

4 Then I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, so that he will pursue them; and I will gain honor over Pharaoh and over all his army, that the Egyptians may know that I am the Lord.” And they did so. ~Exodus 14:4~

  God just want you to know that he is Lord that brought you out and even more so your enemies. He want to make sure you never return again to where you came from sometimes he has to bring confusion (detours) and around blocked roads (wilderness) to get you into the land that He promised (destiny). You ought to thank God for the detours and the twist and turns he may cause just to shake them slave masters off your back. You know the things that have you bound and don't want to let you go. Take them detours, make those sharp turns. It may lead you to a longer road but it's going to get you where you going alive. To God be the Glory!
So on my journey I have some detours. I'm riding up some blocked roads. I thought I was going to be able to go back to school this summer, road block. I thought I was going to be able to stay at my current residence until the end of the year, detour. I thought I was going to be able pay off my debt this season, wilderness. I got to go off coarse a little to accomplish my goals. Now this GPS is loosing signal. Don't that just happen at the wrong time though. It happens at the times when you really don't know where you are or where you are going but eventually the GPS regains signal and reroutes you. 
Praise God for His Holy Spirit!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Jesus is my GPS!

Ok, so the first way of knowing how to get to my destiny and to reach my goals is to consult the one sending me. So I have had to turn on my G.P.S., God's Plan of Salvation, and Lord knows I need to be saved. So to walk out my salvation or drive out cause I like proficient work I have turned my G.P.S. volume up and am allowing God to guide me. He has drawn out a map for me to follow and to be honest I am not good with reading maps or following the GPS system. The other day I was driving, knew where I was going but I wanted to take a way that will have me cut some roads and take me to a certain point in my destination so I turned on my GPS picked the alternative route to the way that will have me take a certain road and avoid another. I was on a the right path took some detours just to end up at a point that I was trying to avoid. Now, I was a little upset because I took a different exit and went out my way just to still end at my beginning point and the way I knew how to take anyway. I had my GPS on but I did not follow instructions nor did I check to make sure I was going the right way only because I was familiar with the roads. What is the point of turning on the GPS if you are not going to use it. So as I consult God, I am praying for obedience. I need to follow His instructions. I asked for guidance, right, so now I need to let Him guide me. It's such a challenge for me and if I end up going the wrong way I'm going to say "Oh, I didn't hear Him" like I did when I blamed my GPS for bring me the long way. It was telling me to keep right but I geared to the left. Plus, I was going to fast to even keep up with the darn thing. Another thing is sometimes we are moving too fast that we can't pay attention to where the GPS is telling us to go. Let's pick up where we left off at on my last blog. How am I going to get to my destinations which were success, functionality, effectiveness, stability? To be successful in business I have to acquire much education and knowledge in my field. I have to obtain credentials to do current work and I have to implement a structured schedule to daily life so that I will get things done on a timely fashion. This is not only for me to be successful, but is also is how I am going to get to the point of functioning, being effective and stable. As I acquire knowledge and obtain the education and credentials I need I must apply the things I learned. After I put my resources to use I should be moving right along. Another road I need to turn on is consistency.  How can I reach where I am going if I don't keep going? I have to maintain movement and I can't stop in the middle of the road. I also must keep my energy up and rest when necessary. I will not be successful, function, be effective or stable if I am worn out. This journey is  long and I have only covered a few of the things that God told me I have to do to get to where I want to go, which aligns with where He wants me to be. Keep up with me My next blog will have the twist and turns that I must take to get to my first destination.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Journey! Where am I really going?

So I am on a journey. The path is so wide and so clear. There are endless roads that will lead me to the point of no return. Am I scared? Oh yes, I am very afraid!. Is that necessarily a bad thing? Not so much so if the fear is in God. I hope and pray every day that I am making the right choices and taking the right steps to a great future. I catch myself taking detours and long cuts that seems to be short cuts to my destiny. Sometimes I have to recap and reanalyze what my goal is so I can figure out the right way to go. How long is it going to take me to get where I'm going? I seem to concentrate on the wrong things. I need to focus on making sure I get to where I'm going in one piece and hopefully with full sanity. To recap now. Where do I want to go? Which is the first answer you must answer when starting a journey. Well as for me I want to go to a place where I am most successful, functional, effective, and most of all stable. To specify my destination, I would like to build a multi-million dollars business, my successful location, write thousands literature that awes people, my functional location, create costly high-end garments, my effective location and live happily ever after in a house with  husband and children, my stable location. This is where I want to go in life and is where I am going. Now, the question is how am I going to get there. Seems impossible but oh, it's possible because nothing is impossible with God. The road is ahead of me and I am walking to my destination. Soon I will be able to run then I'll drive, then, I'll fly. Eternal life baby!
So tune in....my next blog is on the map to my destinations. Now that I know where I am going, let me consult God on how I am going to get there.